Thank you
to all who
donated at
the festival!
Can't make it to the festival but want to donate to the Town of Burnsville Hurricane Relief?
Hey there, want to help one small town help another?
As residents of a small town in South Carolina, we understand the unique struggles small towns face daily. But in a disaster, they come together like no other. People helping people, neighbors loving neighbors, until everyone is back on their feet. That's what we do. The South Carolina Bigfoot Festival Committee wants to take the opportunity to do what small towns do best, come together for those in need. This October 11th and 12th (and as long as it takes!), we will be accepting monetary and supply donations for the town of Burnsville, NC. Donations may be made at the festival at the SCBF Tent, SCBF ID/Wristband Tent or at The Bluebird Nest on Main Street, Westminster, SC.
Burnsville, NC is located in Yancey County, NC and boasts a population of 2,380 people as of 2022. Burnsville was devastated, as many other towns were, last week in the path of Hurricane Helene. As of Wednesday, October 2nd, there are two confirmed deaths and countless people still missing in Yancey County. In addition, around 82% of the 14,610 homes located in Yancey County remained without power. NC 97 near Burnsville is partially collapsed, with road closures making it difficult for residents to get to assistance sites. Our plan is to accept donations through October 12th and make a supply drop to the city of Burnsville the following week.
Monetary donations will be accepted as well as supplies, as we imagine it will be difficult for Burnsville residents to get needed supplies for weeks to come. They are currently in need of clothing, toiletries, diapers and formula, water, food, and just about anything else you can think of. Thank you in advance for helping us love on one small town like they're our own!